
who do you want to be?

It is one of life’s most perplexing questions; 

‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ 

I think the answer to this seems just that slight bit out of reach to many of us because it is so immense & so final. At such a young age, when we are just beginning to work out WHO we are, or maybe more so even just who we want to be, we are expected to choose a path that will potentially define our entire future... pretty bloody big if you ask me.

As children when we are asked this big huge immense question of what we want to be and we answer with doctor, vet, football player or writer. We answer with jobs that we want - but why don't more of us define what we want to be when we grow up by the way we want to feel? How many respond with I want to be happy or I want to feel loved... Why are we not taught that the most important thing we should be in life is happy? To feel that warmth in your heart that makes each day worth it? Life is going to be bumpy as all hell, there will be some dark days when that warm feeling is just a distant memory, so if you know what the reward is on the other side then the journey through all the muck will be worth it...

So, I think maybe this is the wrong question to be asking... Maybe what they should be asking is; Who do you want to be? What do you love to do? What makes you happy right now? Once you know the answer to these questions, I think the answer to this apparently very important question may be a little clearer. The steps that you should take next & what you should do in order to be the person you want to be. 

As a young adult, there is a great burden placed on our shoulders to make a decision that will change the course of the rest of our lives. As a young adult, who hasn’t yet figured out who he or she is yet, I would like to ask the parents & the teachers who are responsible for asking this question & demanding that we know the answer – If we do not know who we are, or what we want our lives to mean - then how can we know what we want to do, and further more, why does it matter? Should who we are and who we are going to be for the rest of our lives not be of greater importance? The impact that we have the potential to make on the world weighs greatly on whether we become a person who truly lives or whether we simply exist. 

I am yet to figure out what it is that I want to do or what it I that I am going to create, but what I do know for absolute certain, is that knowing who you are or who you want to be is far greater than knowing what job you want to do. When you know the type of person you want to be, you have to consciously choose to be that person every day.

You don’t need to change the world over night, but you owe it to yourself to be the kind of person you want to be, to find whatever it is that makes your soul come alive, that makes your heart sing, to find a way to change YOUR world. Without happiness there is no light, there is no joy or love. You never know when you will change someone else’s world, if only for a minute just by following your heart, just by being true to yourself.

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